Many QATESOL Members are due to renew their membership between January and March each year.

Here are some answers to commonly asked questions:

Q.  How do I know if my QATESOL Membership is due?

A.  There are 3 ways of finding your membership due date:
a) Look at your membership card. The expiry date is on the bottom right.

b)  Our online membership system will automatically send you an email, 4 weeks before your membership is due to expire. Another reminder email is sent one week before the expiry date if you haven’t already renewed.

c) Log in to the QATESOL website using your Username or email address. The Member Page Under Quick Links (on right), click on My Account. You will then see your details, including your membership expiry date.

Q.  My membership has expired. Can I still renew?

A.  Yes – log in and follow the prompts.

Q.  How do I log in to the QATESOL website?

1. Go to
2. Click on LOGIN (top right hand corner)
3. Your USERNAME is your email address or the username you chose when you joined
4. Enter your password
5. Click on the LOGIN button

If you have forgotten your password, click on Lost Password under the LOGIN button and a new one will be immediately emailed to you. You can then change it, if you wish.

Q.  I don’t have a PayPal account. How can I pay my membership?

A.  QATESOL uses the PayPal system for online payment for security and because it accepts credit cards. When you click on the PayPal button, you are given the choice of paying by credit card or through a PayPal account.

Q.  I prefer not to pay by PayPal or credit card. Is there another way of paying?

A.  While PayPal/credit card is our preferred method of payment, you can contact the QATESOL Treasurer to find out QATESOL account details for funds transfer.

Q.  Our school/organisation has Institutional Membership. Can QATESOL send an invoice for renewal?

A.  The membership reminder will automatically be sent to the primary account contact nominated when your institution first joined. Online payment is our preferred method, however QATESOL can issue invoices on request. Please contact the QATESOL Treasurer.

QATESOL is listed under OneSchool.

When the renewal is processed, please make sure to review and update the list of teachers who are listed under your institution.

More questions? Please contact QATESOL Administration

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